Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Balanced Decision-Making: Five Steps to “Makes Sense” and “Feels Right”

Leadership Decisions: Makes Sense? Feels Right?

I was in the midst of a lively discussion with the founders of a non-profit organization that was at a crossroads. It wasn’t getting much traction, and the question was whether they should rebrand. Together, we laid out good arguments both for and against rebranding. My ultimate recommendation was to say no, to not rebrand now. Why? While I could see how rebranding made sense, it simply didn’t feel right in this instance. For me, that was enough.

As a business leader, you were likely taught to make and explain decisions based on thinking and logic, and rewarded for being reasonable and rational. It was all about making sense, without much regard for how it felt. 

In love-based Amare Way organizations, leaders certainly value making sensible decisions. And they equally value trusting their instincts and going with what feels right – even if they can’t identify or explain the reasoning behind their intuition. Amare leaders don’t numb their feelings, they empower them.

  • Generally, what is the basis for your big decisions? 
  • What do you do when something makes sense, but doesn’t feel right – or vice-versa?
  • How do you tune into whether a decision “feels right” or not?

5 Amare Ways to Build Your Capacity for Balanced Decision-Making

1. Review past decisions. List 5 to 10 of your biggest business and personal decisions. Note how many were made based on reason, on intuition, or some combination of the two. Now consider how each decision played out.

2. Discern your intuition. Practice with little inconsequential decisions, like which pen you’ll pick up. Notice the subtle internal signals that can guide your decision (even if they don’t “make sense”). Then, follow that guidance!

3. Use your body. Imagine your decision options as boxes in front of you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and literally step into the option one box. Notice if you feel steady or shaky, clear or muddled. Repeat with other options.

4. Do a final check-in. Before committing to a decision, ask yourself whether it makes sense and feels right. Notice if your mind tries to override your intuition, and if it does, how you can notice and dismiss those doubts. 

5. Practice meditation. Do it for a minute every day, for 20 minutes at a time, whatever. Just do it regularly and grow your ability to make decisions that make sense and feel right. To find how-to resources, google “meditation for business leaders.” Or contact me.

One of your most powerful tools as a leader is your intuition. Invest in recognizing your intuition and managing your mind when it wants to interfere. The most effective decision-makers know how to call on both “making sense” and “feeling right” for guidance. 

Staying in Balance When There’s Tragedy

I wrote this newsletter the day before yesterday’s tragic school shooting in Texas. While nothing about the shooting “makes sense” or “feels right“ we can recognize it as a horrific symptom of a very broken system and deeply damaged societal norms. To me, what does both make sense and feel right is to commit and keep doing whatever we can to be uplifting and to meaningfully connect through our companies and work. Let’s make business the incredibly powerful tool for healing it can be by bringing in more love.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.”

―Alan Alda


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