Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Abundance is Real. Get Yours.

Set the Company Tone with an Abundance Mindset

Business leaders need to set the tone for their company by establishing its fundamental mindset – either rooted in a belief in scarcity or abundance. Scarcity says there is never enough, you will always need more. Abundance says there is plenty, and trusts that life provides. Scarcity stems from fear, abundance comes from love (more in chapter 10 of my book, The Amare Wave).

3 Amare Ways to Build an Abundance Mindset

Amare leaders know a belief in abundance matters. Here are three ways to make an abundance mindset a daily habit.

  1. Repeat an abundance mantra 100 times a day. Choose a simple phrase you are willing to believe in, like “My life is awesome!” or “My company is prosperous and generous.” Whatever it is, it needs to resonate with you, even if it’s not yet manifest. Say it again and again. And again.

  2. Notice your abundance. We all have something in abundance, no matter how hard life is. Maybe it’s good people in your life, or lots of ideas, or birds chirping outside your window. Simply notice your abundance. Then smile. Woohoo!

  3. Replace jealousy with gratitude. Instead of being envious of others’ success, celebrate it and be happy for them. Learn from their success. Remember, it’s not all about you (this is not breaking news, right?) and there is plenty of good to go around.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough. “
—Oprah Winfrey

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave!

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  1. Ryan

    I am going to begin the mantra practice right now! Thank you for the weekly inspiration!

    • Moshe Engelberg

      Love it! That’s how you roll Ryan- something resonates and you embrace it!

  2. Nancy

    This really resonates for me today. Thanks, Moshe!

    • Moshe Engelberg

      I’m glad it did Nancy. You have an abundance of good within and without.