Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Do NOT Negotiate Your Non-Negotiables! How to Stay True to Your Word as an Amare Love-Powered Leader

The display screen in my car sternly warned me: Watching video while driving is strictly prohibited! The words “strictly prohibited” were striking in their clarity and absoluteness. The message was crystal clear, nothing negotiable there. 

Which brings us to this crucial question: What are your top non-negotiables in leadership?

Taking a Stand: Your Leadership Compass

Taking a stand on your non-negotiables, like integrity and honesty, means more than just upholding these values when convenient. It’s about embodying them consistently, even when it means making uncomfortable choices. 

For instance, you might pride yourself on your truthfulness and still face temptations, like snagging extra supplies from the office or tweaking numbers slightly to meet targets. Here lies the challenge and the opportunity to practice what you preach.

Watch Out for the Slippery Slope

This is where cognitive dissonance creeps in, our amazing and sometimes deadly capacity to hold conflicting beliefs. Holding two conflicting beliefs (“I am honest” vs. “It’s just a few office supplies”) can lead to justifying actions that don’t align with your stated values. And once you do the little thing that isn’t quite right, it makes it much easier to justify the next thing. That’s the slippery slope.

Recognizing and resolving dissonance is not just about achieving consistency in your thoughts. It’s also about realigning actions to truly take a stand for what you believe in. Learn more about how our minds can sabotage us and what to do about it in The Amare Wave leadership book. 

4 Amare Ways to NOT Negotiate Your Non-Negotiables

Committing to your non-negotiables isn’t a passive act; it’s an active process of engagement and advocacy within your organization. Here are four steps to ensure you stay true to your word and values:

1. Be transparent. Regularly communicate your core values and the everyday behaviors that embody them and violate them.

2. Set boundaries. Clearly define what behaviors are acceptable and what is not within your team–especially the little things.

3. Lead by example. Demonstrate your non-negotiables in action, showing that you don’t compromise on core values.

4. Demand accountability. Establish an environment where everyone feels responsible and is rewarded for upholding declared standards.

The Power of Unwavering Commitment

Upholding your non-negotiables strengthens your leadership and cultivates a culture of trust and respect. When you take a definitive stand, it doesn’t just influence policies—it shapes the moral fabric of your organization. This is love-powered leadership in action.

Embrace the clarity your non-negotiables offer, and watch how they transform not only your leadership but also the collective spirit of your team. Strive for meaningful success that resonates with your deepest values.

Non-negotiables are the bedrock of your leadership. When you stand firm on what matters most, you not only lead with integrity, you inspire it.

Transform Your Leadership Team 

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best and most effective versions of themselves through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership (suffering optional!). If this stirs something within you, please listen. Contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. 

—C.S. Lewis, author of the Narnia series


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