Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

5 Amare Steps to Be A Modern-Day Warrior Leader (No Sword Required!) 

Picture this: You walk into a tense negotiation with a rival company. But instead of entering like a gladiator ready to knock heads, you come armed with fairness, integrity, and a genuine desire for mutual success. 

That, my friend, is how a modern-day warrior leader rolls, illustrating the Bushido warrior ethic of righteousness, where fair dealings underscore every interaction. You are fiercely committed to your values and treat every stakeholder with profound respect and kindness.

Bushido: Not Just for Samurais Anymore!

Bushido, meaning “the way of the warrior,” was the code of conduct that guided the noble Japanese samurai. And no, you don’t need a katana in your boardroom. Yes, they had swords, but they also had loyalty, honor, benevolence–and valor.

For modern leaders, Bushido is more like your moral GPS. It will guide your conduct not with the force of authority but with the power of integrity. As a true warrior, you don’t just lead, you uplift everyone along the way.

The Warrior Mindset in Action

Let’s compare and contrast. First, the old-school warrior leader: Commands the room with an iron fist, decisions are made top-down, and debate is non-existent. Provides immediate, often aggressive solutions that miss the root issues. Failure is met with blame and shame, shutting people down.

Now, envision today’s love-powered Amare warrior leader: Fosters open dialogue, values diverse opinions, and still commits to a clear decision. Approaches challenges seeking to understand deeply before acting, ensuring solutions are not just quick but sustainable. Handles failure as a crucial learning step, turning setbacks into comebacks.

5 Amare Ways to Activate Your Inner Bushido

Here’s how you can channel your inner warrior, the Amare Way:

1. Rise early for reflection. Begin your day reflecting on your goals and aligning them with your values, setting a clear, mindful intention.

2. Embrace the challenge. Let’s be real, tough decisions are like brussel sprouts—not everyone loves them, but they’re good for you. Choose the path that strengthens your integrity, even if it’s the rockier one.

3. Own up, level up. Made a mistake? Admit it, and let your team see how accountability and resilience work. Bonus points if you can laugh at yourself along the way!

4. Defend integrity. Stand up for your principles, especially when they are challenged, and do so with dignity and respect for opposing viewpoints. Nobody likes a bulldozer.

5. Never stop growing. Samurai didn’t stop sharpening their swords, and you shouldn’t stop sharpening your mind. Keep learning, keep evolving, and bringing fresh ideas to the table.

Bushido in Leadership: A New Dawn

Being a warrior leader is not about being unyielding and heartless. Instead, you temper strength with kindness. You don’t wield power over others. You empower others to rise with you, balancing conviction and kindness. You don’t fight battles on every front. You choose which conflicts are worth your energy and will lead to growth. 

Imagine leading with such conviction and care that your team doesn’t just respect you—they’re excited to work with you, fired up about the mission you’re all on together. That’s the power of the Amare Way, where love powers leadership, and Bushido becomes your everyday guide—not for battle, but for life.

As you forge ahead, carry the spirit of the samurai not as warriors of old but as leaders of a new era, dedicated to uplifting everyone around you with honor, courage, and compassion.

Transform Your Leadership Team 

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best and most effective versions of themselves through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership (suffering optional!). If this stirs something within you, please listen. Contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. 

—Norman Schwarzkopf


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Leaders: Say YES to an Abundance Mindset & NO to a Scarcity Mindset

I Love My Life—Even When It’s Not Perfect: Thriving as a Leader Through It All 

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5 Powerful Steps to Recognize and Trust Your Instincts: Master This Critical Leadership Skill

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