Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

I Love My Life—Even When It’s Not Perfect: Thriving as a Leader Through It All 

Ever met someone who genuinely loves their life? They seem to radiate joy, and it’s contagious. Here’s the kicker—they often make the best leaders. Why? Because loving your life is more than just personal fulfillment. It transforms how you lead.

You’re naturally more empathetic, present, and energized when you love your life. You lead with love–what I call the Amare Way, and that makes all the difference.

So, What’s the Catch?

Many leaders think that loving your life requires perfect circumstances—no stress, no problems, and everything in place. The truth is, your life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to love it. It’s about mindset, gratitude, and living with purpose.

And guess what? It will rub off on your team, too. When you’re passionate about your life, you inspire others to find the joy in theirs.

Embracing Life’s Contradictions

This does not mean ignoring pain, difficulties, or events beyond your control. All of those challenges are part of the human experience. They all contribute to your growth as a leader and as a human being, no matter how painful. And so, too, is embracing the full spectrum of life—the ups, the downs, and everything in between.

As leaders, this perspective shift is crucial. By modeling how to love life through adversity, you show your team how to handle challenges with grace and resilience.

But how do you strike that balance? Here’s the secret: Love-powered leadership is not about controlling everything. It is about your response to everything, which is within your control.

  • Do you love your life as it is today? If not, are you willing to?

  • When life throws you a curveball, do you allow space for the pain while still seeking joy?

  • How does your attitude toward your life impact your leadership?

Amare Action Steps for Loving Life (Even When it’s Hard)

1. Acknowledge the tough stuff. Pretending that everything is fine when it’s not doesn’t serve anyone. Admit when things are hard. The act of acknowledging challenges openly creates space for others to do the same, fostering a culture of authenticity and support.

2. Develop a “bounce-back” toolkit. Equip yourself with tools that help you bounce back and remind you why you love your life, even when things go wrong. This can include stress management techniques, a network of supportive colleagues, a playlist of your favorite songs to boost your mood, etc.

3. Find meaning in the mess. When faced with challenges, ask yourself: What’s the lesson here? How can this difficulty help me become a stronger, more compassionate leader? Loving your life through the mess is how you can find meaning.

4. Start a “Gratitude Break.” No, it’s not another meeting! Take five minutes at the start of the day to jot down three things you love about your life right now. Better yet, share it with your team and make it a daily ritual. You’ll be amazed at how it transforms the work environment.

5. Create connection moments. Schedule time with your team members to genuinely connect beyond tasks and deadlines. These moments of human connection remind everyone (including you!) why we do what we do.

6. Live your leadership. Lead by example. Show your team what it looks like to love life. That doesn’t mean being annoyingly positive 24/7, but rather being real, showing gratitude, and making space for joy in your day-to-day.

Love Life, Lead Strong

Loving your life isn’t about perfection—it’s about perspective. As a leader, you have the unique opportunity to model resilience, gratitude, and joy, even in the face of challenges. When you embrace life’s full spectrum and lead with love, you inspire your team to do the same. 

When life gets tough (and it will), don’t forget to love it anyway. After all, it’s those imperfect moments that make the journey all the more meaningful.

So, go ahead—love your life, lead with love, and watch how it transforms your leadership and your team. And remember: Loving your life is contagious. Pass it on!

Transform Your Leadership Team 

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. If this stirs something within you, please listen. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The best way out is always through.” 

—Robert Frost, American poet


Click here and read more Amare Wave Wednesday newsletters on related topics:

10 Simple Actions for Putting Love to Work in Business & Life

Awakening Your Leadership: How to Find Purpose in Life’s Inevitable Surprises

The Truth about Love-Powered Leadership in the Often Brutal World of Business

Stop Holding Back: 5 Life-Changing Steps to Lean into What You Truly Want

6 Ways for Love-Powered Leaders to Excel at Gratitude

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