Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Your Words Have Power: Embracing Modern Leadership Language

“I’m gonna land a whale this year!” Daniel exclaimed with gusto.

“Going big, I see,” I chuckled in response to the young entrepreneur. “Let’s think about your phrasing, Daniel. Remember, we’re not actually spearfishing here.” I suggested, “How about aiming to attract a huge client?”

In the world of business, our language often mirrors a war documentary: hunting down customers, grabbing them by the jugular, crushing the competition, plotting a plan of attack. Violent and predatory.

It may excite you, sure, but are you an entrepreneur or are you a predator? This might be a good time to remind yourself that the boardroom isn’t a battlefield.

Luckily, there are plenty of chances to swap out a combative lexicon for something that won’t treat customers like prey. It’s about cultivating connections, not declaring war!

Let’s dive deeper by contrasting two memos, almost identical except for the underlined keywords.

Subject: Plan of Attack for Capturing Market Share


Our goal is to hunt down and capture as many customers as possible from our rivals. To do that, we need to crush the competition and dominate our market segment. Whatever it takes! Get ready to be ruthless and relentless in our pursuit of market dominance.





Subject: Strategy to Serve and Engage New Customers

Dear Team,

Our goal is to reach out to and welcome as many customers as possible from our competitors. To do that, we need to outshine the competition and lead our market segment by winning on value. Get ready to be dedicated and persistent in our pursuit of market leadership



  • What is your visceral reaction to each memo? 

  • Which is more aligned with your values and how you want to lead? 

  • What impact might changing your organization’s language have on your team and your clients?

5 Amare Steps to Cultivate Positive Business Language

1. Audit your language. Take a day to listen and note the language you and your team use. Identify aggressive or combative words and consider more positive alternatives.

2. Model positive language. As a leader, your language sets the tone for your organization. Consistently use words that reflect service, collaboration, and value. Your team will follow your lead.

3. Educate your team. Hold a workshop or meeting to discuss the power of language and how it affects your business culture. Encourage team members to share examples and brainstorm new, positive terms.

4. Rewrite your materials. Review your marketing, sales, and internal communication materials. Replace aggressive language with words that reflect your commitment to serving and engaging with clients.

5. Celebrate small wins. Recognize and celebrate moments when your team effectively uses positive language. This reinforces the behavior and encourages others to adopt it.

Language as a Leadership Tool

Switching up the business lingo from battle cries to words of welcome isn’t just a fancy dance around vocabulary—it’s a full-blown strategy makeover. When you trade “conquer” for “connect,” or “capture” for “cultivate,” you’re not just picking nicer words, you’re building a better business culture. It is love-powered leadership in action.

Lead with language that champions connection, service, and engagement. It’s not just talking the talk, you’ll be walking a path that leads to a more positive, ethical, and effective environment. 

Watch as your words lift spirits, win hearts, and elevate your business to dizzying new heights. Your words, simple as it sounds, can be a huge game-changer!

Lead with the Best Version of You & Your Team

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. For more information, contact me here. here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.” 

— Rudyard Kipling, author


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The Business As War Paradigm: Do You Buy It?

How to be a Fierce Competitor While Staying Human: 7 Practical Steps to Healthy Competition

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How Violence in Business Language Hurts You and Your Organization: 4 Simple Steps to Make it Better

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