Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

What’s the Most Important Thing You Can Do As a Leader? It Isn’t What You Think

Make This Your #1 Top Priority 

“Breathing in, I smile. Nothing is as important as my peace, my joy. I smile through everything, even through my suffering, through my difficulties.” So goes an extraordinary guided meditation by the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. 

Imagine leading with this idea. Reflect on making inner peace and joy your #1 priority–even through your greatest challenges. This is what Thich Nhat Hanh calls “the practice of freedom.” Remarkable.

It reminds me of something a popular teacher of a very different ilk said: “I have this really high priority on happiness, and finding something to be happy about. My ultimate goal is to end up being happy, most of the time.” This teacher’s name is Taylor Swift.

Cultivating inner peace and happiness is a key tenet of love-powered leadership because you can’t give to others what you don’t have yourself. Learn more about this in my leadership book, The Amare Wave: Uplift Your Business by Putting Love to Work

  • What becomes possible if you prioritize your peace and joy?

  • How would a commitment to happiness change your leadership?

5 Amare Steps Toward Greater Inner Peace & Happiness

1. Do an inventory. Ask yourself: What brings me peace and joy? Keep repeating, writing down whatever comes up. Do the same for “What makes me happy?” And then “What do I need to let go, to release?” Notice patterns.

2. Do simple things. List three simple things you can quickly do every day to experience more peace, joy, and happiness. Now do them! 

3. Do nothing at all. Take a whole minute, close your eyes, and just sit quietly. Let thoughts just pass right through. Then smile. Repeat often.

4. Do the meditation. Download the free app called Plum Village. Listen to the guided meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh called “Calm – Ease (medium version)” every day for one week. 

5. Do your life this way. Ask yourself what it will take for your peace, your joy, and your happiness to be your top priority. If you’re ready, or even willing, commit to doing whatever that is. 

As a leader, prioritizing your inner peace and happiness–smiling even through your suffering–is not selfish. It is a strategy to become the best you can possibly be, authentically and courageously. Nothing will help your business more.

Strategy & Skill-Building for Leadership Teams

I work with leadership teams on unlocking their genius, building trust, having courageous conversations, and designing a growth strategy, all rooted in the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”

—Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk and author


Click here and read more Amare Wave Wednesday newsletters on related topics:

3 Timeless Leadership Lessons from Thich Nhat Hanh: A Master of Love

4 Amare Ways to Find Happiness and Fulfillment in Your Work

Stop Being So Mean to Yourself: 5 Amare Leadership Tips for Less Suffering and More Happiness

How to Stop Letting Bad Habits Get in the Way of Your Success and Happiness

Create Your Masterpiece by Being a Great Leader Everyday: Four Ways to Do It

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