Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

5 Powerful Steps to Recognize and Trust Your Instincts: Master This Critical Leadership Skill

Trusting Your Instincts Means First Knowing Them

Every single James Bond movie has a scene where our hero trusts his instincts and against all odds, saves the day. Every CEO I know does the same thing, sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing. 

The first key to success is distinguishing your instincts from your hopes and fears. That kind of discernment is a powerful skill you can develop and hone. It starts with self-awareness, and requires courage, vulnerability, and openness to honest feedback.

  • What does “trusting your instincts” mean to you?
  • How tuned in are you to your instincts?
  • Do you trust them?

5 Amare Ways to Lean In and Trust Your Instincts

1. Practice discernment. Recognize when you feel an urge or sense a  “message” to do something that surprises you. Pause and see if your ego is involved. If it’s ego-free do it. And say thank you. Keep practicing!

2. Check your “instincts” track record. Look back at the last ten big and small decisions you made. Note how many of them involved your instincts, and what resulted. What’s the lesson for you?

3. Make connections. Be honest about who you are as a person and leader. List the five things that you most value, that uplift you, and that trigger you. Notice how they play into when you recognize and follow your instincts and when you don’t.

4. Boost your self-awareness. Read the sections on vulnerability, arrogance, fear, and alignment (Chapters 5-7) in The Amare Wave: Uplift Your Business by Putting Love to Work. Do the “mirror” exercises too.

5. Get support. The best athletes in the world have coaches, and the better their performance, the more they need one. Invest in yourself by working with a professional who can help you tune into your instincts and become the best leader you can possibly be. Contact me to find one who is an ideal fit for you.

Instinct is one of your most powerful tools as a leader. Learn to recognize and honor it, as the most effective leaders do. Especially when a lot is at stake.

The New Strong Start Coaching Program

I put this together as a way to get immediate benefits from executive coaching and leadership development work with me, without requiring a long-term commitment. Contact me for more info if this speaks to you.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The very essence of instinct is that it’s followed independently of reason.”

—Charles Darwin


Click here and read more Amare Wave Wednesday newsletters on related topics:

Balanced Decision-Making: Five Steps to “Makes Sense” and “Feels Right”

The Power of Discernment to Make Business Better

How to Make Decisions Based on Your Committed Principles – Especially When You’re Busy, Stressed, or Scared

6 Powerful Steps to Improve by Being A Truth-Centered Organization

Grow Your Super Power! Five Ways to Develop Your Internal Guidance System and Make Better Decisions


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