Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

What’s Way Better for Your Business Than Black Friday? Amare Wednesday! A Love-Powered Leadership Practice to Start Now

Way Better for Your Business than Black Friday

“This is when I get stuff on sale for the whole year,” my friend said excitedly. She was speaking of Black Friday bargains, Cyber Monday sales, etc. Makes sense, I thought, who doesn’t want to save money? Then I wonder if businesses see these “days” simply as another way to profit, or also as a way to be good to the world.

The fact that business claims the days around Thanksgiving for consumerism, for people getting stuff – reminds me of why, in response, I started the Amare Wave Wednesday newsletter a few years ago. The intent is to claim a day for something far more beneficial to business than big sales, and that is putting love to work. 

I invite you to start a leadership habit of doing one thing in your business every Wednesday that is uplifting and builds connection, which is the energy of amare, of love. Research shows that love-powered companies, like Trader Joe’s, Costco, USAA, Tom’s, etc. – simply do better. Why not you too?

7 Amare Ways to Make Love a Weekly Leadership Habit 

Here are action steps you can take today and every Wednesday to prosper by putting the power of love to work. 

1. Do a daily two minute gratitude inventory. Take two minutes right now and list ten things you’re grateful for. Repeat every morning before you get out of bed.

2. Remember your company’s higher purpose. Start your workday by remembering why your company exists; how you make people’s lives a little better. Remind employees, customers, and other stakeholders of that purpose, and make sure it resonates  with them too.

3. Destroy negativity. Choose one belief or behavior that is rooted in fear, greed, or ignorance. Write it down and burn the paper, tell a trusted friend you are letting it go, dig a hole and bury a symbol of it – whatever action works for you. Destroy it. 

4. Adopt an abundance mindset. Choose a simple phrase you are willing to believe, like “My life is awesome!” or “My company is prosperous and generous.” Whatever it is, it needs to resonate with you, even if it’s not yet manifest. Say it again and again, 100 times a day. Click here for more on an abundance mindset.

5. Make gratitude a company thing. Create a “gratitude vault” with quotes, pics, and stories – including ones about your organization. Tap into the vault when starting your day, launching meetings, having company events, etc. so people get used to using it. 

6. Celebrate belonging. Invest in, measure, and reward employee and customer loyalty. Track and publicize employee and customer praise that shows a strong sense of identification and kinship.

7. Share this newsletter. Use the link below to pass this message along. Doing so will let people know where you stand and encourage them to be amare business ambassadors with you.

Imagine the change we will make together by each of us doing just one small thing every Wednesday that brings more love into business. Not only will you be happier and your business prosper, but you will also be at the leading edge of a wave of change, creating a new normal in business. I call it the Amare Wave. You may call it your beautiful legacy.

Free Master Class with Moshe & Marshall Goldsmith!

I got together with famed executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith for a lively conversation about how and why to put love to work in business. The result is now a unique Master Class, and it’s free. Watch the first episode here. Happy Thanksgiving!


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“What the world needs now is love sweet love, it’s the only thing there’s just too little of.”

—1965 song popularized by Burt Bacharach and Dionne Warwick


Acknowledgements: The stories that often begin these newsletters come from my actual experiences or a juicy mix of my experiences and imagination.


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