Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Does Fighting Energy Belong in Your Business?

War, Business, & You

An essential part of the Amare Way is living in alignment with your values, while responding to the moment at hand. At this moment, Russia is waging a violent war on Ukraine. If this war doesn’t align with your values, respond by donating money, sponsoring a family, sharing news stories, participating in prayer vigils and group meditations, taking peaceful action, etc.

War is fueled by the divisive and fear-based energy of fighting. This kind of energy has been permitted and even sanctioned in business for far too long, so much so that we often don’t even notice it. Pay attention to what kind of energy fuels you and your organization. Start by assessing your beliefs about fighting and business. Do you believe

  • Business is war
  • We need to fight to win in business
  • Competitors are enemies to be destroyed
  • Business is “us” vs. “them”

Now decide if your responses – which may have simply been what you were taught – match your values, and what to do about it.

4 Amare Ways to Lead with The Energy of Love, Not War, in Your Business

1. Ban violent language. Set formal communication policies that prohibit violent language – e.g. capturing customers, rallying the troops, exploiting markets, crushing competitors. Provide replacement words and reward their use. Make clear the connection between these policies and your company culture, values, and purpose. 

2. Create belonging – without fighting. War can be a unifying force. Work with your team to identify three other ways to create belonging that do not require the energy of fighting that eventually wears people down. Use the definition of amare – energy that uplifts and connects – as your litmus test. 

3. Dare to lead with love. Make love central to who you are and how you lead. Look within at what really matters to you. Talk with colleagues about shifting the paradigm of business to be more love-based. Check out the growing wealth of resources on love-based leadership. 

4. Start with you. Clean up your own fighting energy. Ask yourself and trusted colleagues how you show up, with respect to fear, hate, greed, violence, and intolerance. Get support to be the leader you truly want to be. 

Making love the centerpiece of how you lead will do more than boost  your business and life. It will also change the world, one relationship at a time.

Act on the Awakening

If you want to raise your leadership consciousness, contact me. I will point you to resources that will support your growth and development. The world needs you, needs us all, to step up into the energy of love.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Love-based leadership can and will carry us through today’s extreme challenges in business and life.”

—Moshe Engelberg, The Amare Wave


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