Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

3 Timeless Leadership Lessons from Thich Nhat Hanh: A Master of Love

Learning Leadership from a Great Master

Last week, Thich Nhat Hanh died peacefully at 95 years old. Thầy, as he was known, was a Zen Master, global spiritual leader, and peace activist, renowned for his powerful teachings on engaged Buddhism and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace.

Thầy was also a model for modern day leadership, one who made love the center of his being and work. Love-centered leadership (the essence of The Amare Wave) believes, as Thầy did, in promoting nonviolent solutions to conflict and raising awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings. His passing invites us to clarify our own guiding beliefs and principles.

  • What are your core leadership principles?
  • Are you willing to commit your company to total non-violence?
  • Will you integrate the fact of our interconnectedness into your business vision?

3 Powerful Leadership Lessons from an Amare Master

Here are just a few powerful lessons from Thich Nhat Hanh, that I always aim to promote in my work too. They are modified from quotes and summaries of his teachings found here, with a business context and provocative questions added.

1. Practice inclusiveness. Open your heart to include the other side, including your fiercest competitors. Give them the opportunity to succeed and live in peace, as you wish to live. Ask: “How can we help you enjoy peace? Please tell us.” 

2. Stop the violence in your thoughts. When you recognize the seeds of violence taking root in your thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions, you can wake up and be different. Ask: “Do I believe business is war? Do I want to crush my competitors? Capture market share?”  

3. Abandon everything. Let go of everything you’ve learned from outside sources. Their only purpose is to help us awaken to our ignorance, cravings, and fears, and to find enlightenment right here right now, in this present moment. Ask: “Who am I that is not identified with anyone or anything?”  

Spread the Word

If this newsletter speaks to you, if the idea of love-powered business appeals to you, then share your enthusiasm with others. Engage. Act. Advocate for what you believe. One easy way to is to click on the “sharing” links below. Thank you.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Our own life has to be our message.”

—Thich Nhat Hanh

Acknowledgements: The life and teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Many more resources here.


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