Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

20 Powerful Learnings and One Very Simple & Important Step to Love & Support Yourself

Insights that Inspired & Awakened You

You’ve surely had many moments of enlightenment and inspiration so powerful that you think, “that for sure I’ll remember!” Maybe you do remember some and have even enacted some of them. And maybe not all.

Stepping into this new year, I looked back through a recent personal  journal and found so much wisdom I learned from others and loved – then mostly forgot. So to better remember (re-member, making it part of me), I’ve selected the top 20 and I’m sharing them here with you, hoping they awaken you as they did me (and… bonus joke at end!)

1. When you recognize you have the capacity to think whatever you want, you have great freedom and responsibility.

2. When you fight with what is, you are fighting with reality, which does not bend to pressure.

3. When you head toward happiness, you may stumble in the beginning; so fumble your way to ecstasy. 

4. When you bring your voice into the room, you bring yourself into the room. 

5. When you keep waking up in the middle of the night, maybe there’s a message awaiting you. 

6. When you keep being the rescuer, or contesting what is very broken, you’re denying the blessing of endings. 

7. When you try to fit it, your energy is restricted and you can’t authentically belong.

8. When you’re far along your spiritual journey, you still need to do the work; your version of chop wood, carry water. 

9. When you name out loud the dynamic you are witnessing or experiencing, you can much more easily deal with it.

10. When you find yourself thinking of others, “Who are you that I should pay attention to you?” – instead ask “Who am I to ignore you?”

11. When you simply wonder what wants to unfold, you let go of all resistance and can readily see a next step.

12. When you give your full attention to the present, there is nowhere else to be and nothing else to do.

13. When you can hold a stable space for inner stillness in the midst of great noise, you are mastering yourself.

14. When you wake up, ask yourself what is possible today. And what is impossible. And know both change everyday.

15. When you cross a threshold in your awareness of a truth, you can never un-know that truth.

16. When you are very clear and calm about what you want, it is far more likely to show up.

17. When you find equanimity in the middle of dignity and humility, you will know you really matter.

18. When you shift from judgement to discernment, you perceive deeply what is, and can act accordingly – without criticism or drama.

19. When you realize your life is the result of everything you’ve said yes or no to, you’ll know just how powerful you are.

20. When you imagine being totally filled with love, there will be room for nothing else.

One Very Simple & Important Amare Step to Love & Support Yourself

Gift yourself a few minutes today to reflect on important things you learned last year that benefited your self-awareness, your perspective on life and work, and your performance as a leader. Note which still really resonate with you and record them in a form that works for you. So you remember and grow. It’s a great way to start 2022. 


BONUS! Speaking of the Buddha, here’s a little joke for today:

Q: What do you call an enlightened potato? 

A: A medi-tater.



Watch my Love-Powered Leadership Master Class with Marshall Goldsmith & Grow Your Amare Leadership Skills

To support you in being the kind of world-changing, Amare leader I know you can be, I’ll be holding an encore presentation of my Love-Powered Leadership series with Marshall Goldsmith this month. Held over just 3 days, this is an in-depth Master Class about love in business and the power we all have to change how we work with our teams, customers, shareholders, and ourselves. Sign up today, we have just 100 spots available!

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.”

—Popeye, the Sailor Man


Acknowledgements: Many of these insights came from working with life and voice coach Katie Wise. Other sources of inspiration include Brene Brown, Sarah McLachlan, Mahan Kirin, Rabbi Gabi Arad, and the Buddha.


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