Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

3 Ways Healthy Leaders Love Themselves

Do You Love You?

Amare companies are driven by energy that uplifts and connects; which I call love. And it starts with self-love. As humans, we are hard-pressed to give what we don’t have. You can’t genuinely love your employees if you don’t love yourself first. Likewise, employees can’t love customers very well if they’re not feeling loved. Substitute the word “appreciation” or “respect” or “compassion” for love if you like; the same principle still applies. 

Business schools and companies usually don’t talk about self-love (yet!). That’s changing as more books, more stories, more examples, come out on how love improves business. Choose to be at the front of this wave – by loving you, then your people, your customers, and so on. Do it, not with narcissism or conceit, but as an act of compassion. To you and for you.

  • What’s your reaction to the words “self-love?”
  • Does your organization cultivate self-love (by whatever name)?
  • Do you practice self-love regularly?

3 Ways to Practice Self-Love

1. Choose thoughts that feel better. Research shows about 80% of our thoughts are critical, usually of ourselves. Recognize when your thoughts are unkind to you, then consciously choose a better feeling thought.

2. Give yourself a break. Many people in business feel compelled to work non-stop, as if taking a break is a sign of weakness or inferiority. Crazy. Set an alarm to take two minutes every hour, or twenty minutes mid-day, or even one day a week (even a weekend day) to spend not working. Experiment to find the rhythm that replenishes you.

3. Pillow your tech. So many of us are addicted to our phones, checking for texts and emails incessantly. Observe what need that meets for you. Try resting your phone – with reminders off – for a chunk of time every day and well before bedtime. 

Will You Share Your Amare Successes?

Let me know of any big and little changes you’re making to put the power of love to work. I’d personally love to learn from your experience, and if you wish, share it with the community. Email me, or contact me here to set up a quick call.  

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”


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Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

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With Amare,


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