Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

3 Ways to Gain Worldly & Spiritual Fulfillment in Business & Life

Imagine Having Both Material AND Spiritual Fulfillment 

Most leaders I coach desire both worldly success and spiritual fulfillment. Neither alone is sufficient in the reality of this existence – and the good news is you don’t need to sacrifice one for the other. It’s a ‘both/and’ equation, not ‘either/or.’

For some, the work is to value and allow things like a good market cap, plenty of money, and outward markers of success to bring them happiness. Others need to get to know their inner self and invite in what satisfies their soul as a source of happiness. 

Consider for your well-being:

  • How do you relate material and spiritual fulfillment to happiness?
  • How do you balance achieving worldly success and spiritual fulfillment in your work and life?
  • Which do you most need to work on to be whole, healthy, and happy right now?

3 Amare Ways to Achieve Both Material & Spiritual Fulfillment

1. Answer key questions. What do you want? Does that serve your highest self? How might you achieve it? Can you be happy if you don’t? Consider these questions both for financial and spiritual fulfillment. 

2. Think now and later. Complete a 2 x 2 grid with short-term and long-term goals as the row labels and material and spiritual fulfillment as the column labels. It’s a great self-awareness and prioritization exercise.

3. Imagine that! Now picture yourself as having both sets of your desires fulfilled. See it, feel it. Notice what positive things you’re saying to yourself, and what you imagine others are saying about you. Hold onto that vision and feeling state.

Will You Share Your Amare Successes?

Let me know of any big and little changes you’re making to put the power of love to work. I’d personally love to learn from your experience, and if you wish, share it with the community. Email me, or contact me here to set up a quick call.  

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The more you can access the power of soul, the more capable you are of achieving whatever goal you are seeking.”

―Rod Stryker, The Four Desires (quote slightly edited)

Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Rod Stryker and his book The Four Desires for inspiring this post, including several of the questions above. 

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Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

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With Amare,


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