Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Five Time Management Tips That Free Your Spirit

An Amare Approach to Time Management

In today’s world, we are so compulsively controlled by chronological (“chronos”) time, we easily lose touch with what the ancient Greeks called “kairos” time – the ripe or opportune moment for taking a crucial action. The truth is that when conditions are right, conditions are right, even if it’s not on your calendar or in sync with your plan. Kairos has flow.

Sensing when it is the right moment for a decisive action means you appreciate that the seasons of life and stages of business have their own rhythm, and they may not be on chronos time. 

Syncing with kairos is a powerful leadership skill that requires practice and trust in yourself and your relationship with the greater whole; a very Amare idea. Consider:

  • What is your relationship with time?
  • Do you let chronological time rule you?
  • How do you know when it’s the ripe moment?  
  • Do you have “flow” experiences where time seems to disappear?

Five Amare Ways to Bring in Kairos Time 

1. Start small. To experiment, make one tiny change to one habit that you can flex on, like when you do your creative thinking or when you plan your day, so you’re more in rhythm with your  nature. 

2. Listen to your body. When your brain says take a break or body says move, do it. Try eating when you’re hungry, not only at appointed meal times. You’re teaching yourself to pay attention to you.

3. Spread the word. Encourage others to sync up to their own rhythm too, in ways that work in your organizational culture. Make it a community experiment and conversation topic.

4. Assess decisions. When you make a decision, notice if it feels like it’s easy and in the flow of things. Assess with your team how decisions turned out that were made in chronos vs. kairos time.  

5. Watch kids. Most kids are naturally on kairos time until we socialize them to chronos. Observe their alignment with the moment and spontaneity – but without totally throwing away your clock. It’s balance we seek.

Inviting YOU On New Amare Podcast!

Are you a leader who’s putting love to work, even in small ways? Contact me now about appearing on my new Amare Leadership Podcast starting soon. Your story is worth sharing!

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Chronos requires speed so that it won’t be wasted. Kairos requires space so that it might be savored. We do in chronos. In kairos we’re allowed to be.” 

―Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of Simple Abundance and Something More

Acknowledgement: My thanks to Sam Keen, author of Apology for Wonder, beautifully quoted in 100 Ways to Keep Your Soul Alive.

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Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

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With Amare,


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