Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Get Lit The Amare Way!

Christmas lights, Chanukah menorahs, Kwanzaa kinaras – the winter holiday season is bright with light. These ritual lights uplift us, help us see the good in life and each other, and inspire celebration. We become more enlightened, at least for the moment.

More importantly, the festive lights invite us to “get lit” from the inside out. To be clear, by get lit, I don’t mean getting super-stoned – I mean naturally feeling deeply connected, uplifted, and loving the amazing moments of your life. It is a state of joyful and radiant presence you can experience in business too; imagine your impact when you are fully lit up at work!

  • What, my friend, gets you lit?
  • How can you make being lit an everyday experience?
  • What would enable your organization to support everyone being lit up?

Five Amare Ways to Get Lit in Business

  1. Commit. Go all-in with whatever you’re doing at work. No holding back, give it everything you have. Regardless of the outcomes, your total commitment will make you a beautiful bright light.
  1. Give. Giving to others can get you lit. To your colleagues and customers,  give your full attention, give an open heart, give sincere appreciation. All are free to you and priceless to them.  
  1. Dance. Yes, dance to get lit and increase your “happy chemicals” (hormones and neurotransmitters). Take five minutes during your workday and dance to a favorite tune like no one’s watching! 
  1. Laugh. Laughter releases endorphins too. Recall a really funny experience you had, do laughter yoga, ask Siri or Alexa for a joke, send texts without fixing silly autocorrections, use preschooler words like pasgetti.
  1. Love. Nothing lights us up like love, that amare energy that uplifts and connects. Build amare energy into your work everyday with actions as simple as smiling.

Tell Us How You Naturally Get Lit!

Share your favorite ways and resources for getting lit by commenting below, as we build a totally lit Amare community all year long!

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Commit, dedicate, be lit, radiate!”

—Ananda Yogiji, Mantra musician, from One with All Creation

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 


With Amare,


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  1. sam malliin

    Thank you Moshe. Appreciate your thots and insights as usual,

    One thing I do, as you asked, to ” get lit” (!) is I turn to you tube when I’m in mood to hear an old song that I liked, often a rarity, but I”m just wanting to hear it. , LIke for e.g. ” I call my baby Candy” by the Jaggers ( happens to be a Pgh group) I said they were rare songs. Now you’ve given me the idea to dance to it as well. Shalom and Happy Chanukkah, Sam

    • Moshe Engelberg

      Love it Sam the dance machine! Thanks for sharing your way of getting lit!