Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Vote Your Values the Amare Way

In Amare Way companies, leaders do not have two sets of values – one for business and one for everything else. They have a single set of values that consistently guide them in all aspects of life, and they are aligned with the seven principles of the Amare Way that put the power of love to work. 

Business leaders that do operate under different values at work and home are not authentically in alignment with themselves. They then engage in all kinds of machinations in order to hide, deny, or justify the misalignment. It is not pretty.

Let your values determine what politicians and issues you support. The choice you make in the upcoming presidential election in particular will speak volumes about what really matters to you. It is an unmatched opportunity for you to be accountable to you.  

Consider right now, what three words most represent your values and your vote? Notice if they are rooted in fear and scarcity, or love and abundance, in other words, Amare.

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

Three Amare Questions To Get Clear About What Matters 

  1. What is your “why?” Acknowledge what basic need you are meeting by who you vote for. Is it to be better than, to feel safer, to make as much money as you can, to protect something, to be happier, to live longer, to care for others, or something else? 
  1. Is that the right need? Then get quiet and go deep within to check if you want that need to be driving you, or if a different need is more aligned with your higher  self. If a different need emerges, what vote will support that need? 

3. What vote will bend humanity toward love? If you’re reading this newsletter, you most likely know about the uplifting and connecting power of love (amare) in business and life. Which candidate do you believe will grow the Amare Wave?

Calling on Leaders to Promote the Amare Vote

The Amare Way helps leaders see and work in a new paradigm for making the biggest difference they possibly can. One of those ways is speaking up and walking your talk in this election. Make yourself heard and encourage others to vote for those who will uplift and unify us. If you’re not sure how, or need a dose of courage, get in touch. And please forward this on to someone you know who needs it.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.”

Abraham Lincoln

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

With Amare,


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