Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Remembering RBG – A Model Mensch

Remembering RBG – A Model Mensch

You’ve probably heard the Yiddish word mensch, which means an upright, decent, and  responsible person who lives with compassion, humility, and integrity. Everyone admires a mensch. It’s a very Amare way of being.

Mensch is one way of describing the character of the great Ruth Bader Ginsburg, our Supreme Court Justice that died a few days ago. Stories celebrating her legacy abound, recently in the movies RBG and On the Basis of Sex. I encourage you to (re)watch them for a dose of inspiration and lessons in how to remain a mensch even under tremendous pressure. She showed us too that toughness, grit, and determination are part of putting love to work. May the example of RBG’s life bring out our best.

  • Are you usually a mensch?
  • Would you like to be?
  • What gets in the way?

5 Steps For Leaders To Be A Mensch In Business

  1. Tell the truth. Make telling the truth one of your core values. Practice it rigorously. When it becomes hard, talk about the situation with your team. Then show how you push through the temptations and rationalizations in order to keep your word and inspire others to do the same.  
  1. Honor mensch behavior. When you see your people behave with decency,  compassion, and responsibility in difficult circumstances, call it out. Use the word “mensch” or “amare” or something else to name the behavior. Honor mensch behavior to make it the norm in your organization. 
  1.  Act selflessly. Look for ways to help others without expecting something in return. Right now, make a list of 10 things you can do in a minute or less that will make a positive difference in someone’s life. 
  1. Count your blessings. Seriously. Count them. That recognition is a key step toward being grateful for all your blessings and then using that gratitude as a springboard to bring blessings to others.
  1. Do the right thing. The core of being a mensch comes through action. You know right and wrong, so do what’s right – especially when it’s most challenging. And be kind to yourself if you mess up, as long as you keep doing the work. 

Get dozens more action steps like these in The Amare Wave book. And for a free mini-e-book with the 7 Amare Way Principles, click here.

Welcoming Stories of Menschy Leaders for Next Book!

Do you know of organizations and leaders on this path? I’m seeking more inspiring stories of leaders successfully putting love to work to showcase in the next book in the Amare Way Series, entitled Riding the Amare Wave: Inspired Stories of Leading with Love. Please send me a note to share your ideas (even if you’re not certain they’re a good fit or don’t have a personal connection with the organization).

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The key to being ‘a real mensch’ is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous.”

― Leo Rosten, author of The Joys of Yiddish

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

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With Amare,


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