Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

How to “Have it All” the Amare Way!

What comes to your mind when you think “I can have it all!”? Some first think of endless wealth and power. Others think of balancing their careers and myriad of personal relationships. To me, having it all is about having all that serves your greatest good. No more, no less. 

Lots of messages in life discourage us from expecting to have it all and make it out to be an unrealistic reprimand rather than aspirational encouragement. Why would you not want to have all that serves your highest good? The same applies to business – your business can have all that serves its higher purpose.

  • Do you believe you can have it all?
  • Do you want to have it all?
  • Will you accept having it all?

4 Amare Ways to Have It All

  1. Adopt abundance thinking. Choose to believe that life, the universe, spirit – whatever you call it – has your back. Believe there is plenty for you and others, despite the barrage of discordant messages that you should be afraid of life, distrust others, and hoard what you have. Believe you can have all that serves your greatest good.

  1. Don’t sabotage yourself. We all have a set point for success in our lives, and can get in the way when things get better than we’re used to. This is a version of the “status quo bias” behavioral economists talk about, and the “upper limit problem” that psychologist Gay Hendricks so empoweringly explains in The Big Leap. Start by recognizing when you are sabotaging your capacity to have it all.  

  1. See your version of having it all. What does having it all in business look like to you? What does full success in your personal life – including love, money, and happiness – look like? See it all, even if it feels uncomfortable. Then, if needed, work on feeling deserving of having it all, without any sense of entitlement.

  1. Spread the word. You can set the tone in your organization about having it all, and create the vision for delivering on that possibility. That applies to your people and your profits too.What a way to uplift your business!

Looking for Stories of Amare Leaders for Next Book!

Do you know of organizations and leaders on this path? I’m seeking more inspiring stories of leaders successfully putting love to work to showcase in the next book in the Amare Way Series, entitled Riding the Amare Wave: Inspired Stories of Leading with Love. Please send me a note to share your ideas, even if you’re not certain they’re a good fit or don’t have a personal connection with the organization.

Note: See the Appendix of Book 1 (The Amare Wave) for two incredible stories of leading with love that will be featured in Book 2. More here.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Have your cake, then eat it too. Why else would you have cake?” 

― Moshe Engelberg

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave!

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1 Comment

  1. Kathy Fleming

    I am inspired every Wednesday by your wisdom, insights and heart.