Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

6 Powerful Ways to Lead with Authenticity

How Being Authentic Matters

On a personal level, authenticity is about showing up whole and being true to who you are. Outwardly, it is reflected in the alignment of your words and actions, and in the resonance of your energy, your “vibe.” 

On a company level, authenticity means the commitment to Amare is real and lived every day, which builds trust. Everyone in the company is supported to behave authentically and with the energy of love in all business dealings. Values, words, and actions match. 

As a result, people trust Amare companies. Barriers go down. Hearts open. Business grows. 

  • Are you comfortable being your whole self at work?
  • Do your values align with your words and actions?
  • Do you reward honesty and transparency in your company?

6 Amare Ways to Lead with Authenticity

1. Notice how you are being. Pay attention to when you do and don’t feel fully you. Ask yourself what small change you can make in your thoughts, words or actions to be more authentic. 

2. Model transparency. Even when it’s hard, especially when it’s hard (you can preface it by saying you’re nervous, scared, etc.). Keep compassion in mind too, recognizing that transparency and truth may be hard to hear. 

3. No “it’s authentic” excuses. Authenticity does not excuse bad behavior or saying and doing whatever you want. Greed, meanness, and intimidation have no place in Amare companies. 

4. Check policies and priorities. Make sure they match what you actually say and do. If it’s people before profits, that should be enabled by your policies and priorities, and expressed in your vision too.

5. Ask your stakeholders. Find out if customers trust you, employees believe you value them, suppliers say you treat them fairly, etc. Use the results to make your company even better. 

6. Honor your boundaries. Take stock of whether you or your company are behaving in ways that are inauthentic or conflicting with your values. Address inconsistencies with honesty and conviction.

Note: Authenticity is the “A” in the ABC pillars of the Amare Way (B is for Belonging, C for Collaboration). Get lots more tips and stories on the ABCs in Chapter 9 of The Amare Wave

Take the Next Step as an Amare Leader

Putting love to work does improve profits and productivity.  Email me to set up a call – no obligation, and we’ll quickly co-create 3 “amare” ideas you can apply right away to lead with authenticity and increase your wealth and happiness.    

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” 

―Oscar Wilde, poet & playwright


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