Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

5 Ways to Accept & Bring More Ease into Your Work

Will you accept easy?

I often ask leaders I coach if they are willing for their job to be easy. Most say no and get noticeably uncomfortable with the possibility. The question elicits strong resistance and reveals lots of often unchecked and influential assumptions. 

  • As a leader, are you willing for your job to be easy?

Consider your beliefs about your job being easy for you. Observe what assumptions you make. Notice what you think about yourself and what you imagine others would think about you. Now consider again:

  • As a leader, are you willing for your job to be easy?
  • If you did, what bad things might happen?
  • If you did, what good things might happen?

5 Amare Ways to Accept & Bring More Ease into Your Work

1. Imagine ease. Even if it makes you super uncomfortable, take five minutes to imagine that your job is easy for you. See if you can allow yourself to be uplifted by the possibility.  

2. Reframe limiting beliefs. Write three negative things you associate with ease – being lazy, looking bad, etc. Now cross them out and write positive things – using your gifts, inspiring others, etc. 

3. Check on suffering. Dive into your need or desire to suffer, if it’s present. Consider what payoff you get, and if there are healthier ways to achieve the same outcome.  

4. Look for alignment. List your core values and see if ease is consistent with them. If it is, then remind yourself of that fact. If it’s not, look at why.

5. Do one “easy” thing. Choose one simple behavior that is easy and rewarding to do, and do it everyday for the next week. Notice how you feel right afterwards.

Free Master Class with Moshe & Marshall Starting Next Week!

I got together with famed executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith for a lively conversation about the role of love in business. The result is now a unique Master Class, comprised of six short videos. It starts next week. Sign up here and get one-a-day in your inbox for a week.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“A mind lively and at ease, can do with seeing nothing, and can see nothing that does not answer.”

―Jane Austen


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