Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

5 Steps to Happiness & Freedom in Your Business

Happiness & Freedom as Business Outcomes

“Lokah” is an ancient and powerful Indian prayer that essentially means: May all beings be happy and free. 

Please honestly consider:

  • Do you want all beings to be happy and free? 

Often added to the chanted prayer is this offering: May my thoughts, words, and deeds contribute in some way to happiness and freedom for all.

  • Do you live in a way that supports happiness and freedom for all?

Many of us like the ideal of everyone being happy and free – and fall short of living it. Because it’s not easy to do. Because we fear there’s not enough to go around. Because we get wrapped up in ourselves. 

The Amare Way provides a pathway for “Lokah” by transforming business so you can prosper while being aligned with happiness and freedom for all. Imagine that!

5 Amare Steps toward Happiness & Freedom

1. Assess your “enough” meter. Mark where you land 1 to 10 on the scarcity—abundance continuum. Notice your beliefs about how everyone being happy and free might affect you. 

2. Share a higher purpose. Declare your company’s higher purpose. Then ask employees, customers, and other stakeholders if they value that higher purpose. If not, reconsider what higher purpose might be shared. 

3. Find your balance. No company can be only about others, and no company finds deep meaning in being only for themselves. Talk with your team about balancing the individual and collective perspectives. 

4. Tap into your happiness and freedom. Good self-care means you nurture these qualities in yourself, in part so you can also nurture them in others. Identify one very small thing you will do everyday to be happy and free. 

5. Build into KPIs. We pay more attention to what measure. Consider making happiness and freedom, however you operationalize them, as part of your valued KPIs.

Note: The words of the “Lokah” prayer in Sanskrit are Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. More info here. Hear it beautifully chanted here and here. Get lots more on putting the power of love to work in my book The Amare Wave.

Free Master Class with Moshe & Marshall Coming Soon!

I got together with famed executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith for a lively conversation about the role of love in business. The result is now a unique Master Class, comprised of six short videos. Sign up here and get one-a-day in your inbox for a week.    

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Be your best for the greater good, and rock out wherever you are.”

―Michael Franti, exuberant singer-songwriter & activist


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