Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

4 Ways to Succeed in Your Business Environment

Can You Overpower Your Environment?

You want to take a nap but the neighbor’s barking dog keeps waking you. You want to get work done, but your messy desk distracts you. These benign personal examples highlight what happens when the external environment overpowers your will, which is the norm for most of us.

It’s similar to how situational factors can override our best intentions, and how business culture can make or break any strategy. So to effectively put love to work in your company – and profitably uplift your many stakeholders – don’t underestimate these many external forces. 

Bottom line, the “environment” is usually stronger than our will, so sometimes we need to change the environment in order to successfully change ourselves. For more, read A Short in the Hardwiring (CH 4), in my book The Amare Wave.

  • Do you believe you can overpower environmental influences by sheer will?
  • What environmental, situational or cultural factors impede your progress putting love to work?
  • What environmental, situational or cultural factors enhance your progress putting love to work?

4 Amare Ways to Succeed in Your Environment 

1. Tightening up? Notice the external conditions that lead you to tighten up, restrict your breathing, get angry, feel scared, or sweat a little. Now consider what changes in the environment would help you release the tension. Awareness is step one. 

2. Get input. Ask your people, “How does our environment and culture support/inhibit you being your best?  Make sure it’s safe for them to be honest, and that you acknowledge and act on the feedback.

3. Optimize your environment. List five things you can do to make your work environment more conducive to amare, for yourself and for others in your group. 

4. Own your vibe. It’s also true that we influence our environment through our energy – uplifting or diminishing – and our intention. Practice shifting your energy and intention to manage your experience, especially in charged situations.

Will You Share Your Amare Journey?

Let me know of any big and little changes you’re making to put the power of love to work. I’d personally love to learn from your experience, and if you wish, share it with the community. Email me, or contact me here to set up a quick call.  

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

―Peter Drucker, Management Guru

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Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

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With Amare,


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