Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

4 Ways to Be an Aligned Leader and Why It Really Matters

Why Alignment Matters in Leadership

Jim was a manager at a company that cared about its people – but cared about money more. That led some leaders to make decisions that were misaligned with the interests of employees and customers. 

Jim, on the other hand, made his employees his top priority. He believed if he took good care of his people, they would do their best to make customers happy, which would then bring in the money. His beliefs and actions were aligned, and it worked. 

In the Amare Way, alignment provides a common ground for connection between your company and all your stakeholders, based on shared goals and values. Without alignment, you suffer energy drains, confusion, and frustration, which hurt morale, productivity, and performance. Alignment is where most organizations fall down.

  • Are you clear about who you are as a leader and what matters most to you? 
  • Do your words and actions match your goals and values?
  • Is your organization aligned in what it says and what it does? 

4 Amare Ways to Be an Aligned Leader

1. Know the feeling. Learn to recognize when you feel in alignment and out of alignment. Your body will give you clear signals. Plan for what to do when you are not in alignment, including stopping whatever is happening.

2. Check your core values. Compare your core values with your company’s core values. Assess the match. Decide which of your core values are negotiable and which are not, at any price. 

3. Get customer input. Take time with your leadership team to talk with customers and determine if your desires and goals are aligned with their goals and desires. Be really honest.

4. Make alignment a strategy. Insist on consistency across your vision, strategy, and execution; your purpose, values, and brand identity; and your value proposition and the value you deliver. 

When you are in alignment, what you believe, say, and do all match. People trust you. And it sure feels good. The same holds true for companies that operate in alignment and are committed to a greater purpose.

Be an Amare Advisor

Would you like to be an advisor on our next Amare training development project? I’d love to hear about your thoughts and experiences about alignment and putting Amare to work. Contact me for more info.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Building a visionary company requires one percent vision and 99 percent alignment.”

―Jim Collins, business author


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