Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

4 Steps to Bring Forth Your Genius

Know Your Genius and Put It to Work

You have your special gifts, the things that seem almost effortless to do, generate great energy, and make a meaningful contribution. These gifts are your genius. Putting your genius to work brings out your best and gives life meaning. It is an act of love, and can manifest in your work, and in other areas of life.

Practicing your genius more often may require a simple pivot from what you do now. Or it might be tougher, requiring big and scary changes. Either way,  you can always lean into your genius, one tiny step at a time, and let momentum naturally build.

To go deeper into your genius, consider these questions:

  • What special things could you easily do as a child?
  • What have you always been told you excel at?
  • What keeps attracting you?
  • What holds you back from your genius?
  • What do you know to be your gift?

Four Amare Steps to Bring Forth Your Genius

1. Discover your genius: Go beyond self reflection. Ask people close to you: What do you think my genius is? Allow them to reflect to you what you may not see within yourself.  

2. Embrace your genius. Whatever your genius is, say it. My genius is _________. I am a genius at _________. Be brave and tell others about it, without bragging or hiding. Get used to associating you with your genius. 

3. Practice your genius. Practice, practice, practice. Find small ways to put your genius to work in as many facets of life as you can. Make a list of possibilities and experiment. 

4. Commit to your genius. Write “I commit to live in my genius as much as I can” and post it. Write it on little stickies too and put on your fridge, in your car, bathroom, etc. See it and believe it!

Get Coaching to Support Your Genius

I help clients and their teams discover and practice their genius, and have several amazing colleagues who do the same. The growth people experience is extraordinary. Contact me and we’ll find the best coach to help you bring forth the power of your genius.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Genius is not that you are smarter than everyone else. It is that you are ready to receive the inspiration.”

―Albert Einstein

Acknowledgements: Stephen Cope, Gay Hendricks, Kathy Fleming.

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