Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

4 Amare Ways to Find Happiness and Fulfillment in Your Work

Happiness and Fulfillment is an Option

“Most of my friends went straight into finance or tech.” Zev said. “They’re making good money, but they really don’t seem happy. It’s like their life overall isn’t so good.”

As an energetic millennial and emerging leader, Zev made a different choice. He’s managing a retreat center in Baja California which applies his training in hospitality management within a market niche he really cares about, called spiritual hospitality.

I love seeing this kind of clarity and commitment, especially in up-and-coming leaders. It invites us all to take a deep look into what our commitments are in business and life, and how aligned those commitments are with what really matters to us. Be aware that this kind of introspection can also stir things up, especially if you see that you’re making compromises that are not supporting your greatest good.

  • Does your work make you happy and fulfilled?
  • To what extent are your organization’s values aligned with your personal values?
  • Are you clear, conscious, and committed to the career choices you’re making?
  • Might some of your personal work be finding happiness and fulfillment in your professional work?

4 Amare Ways to Consciously Choose Happiness and Fulfillment

1. Acknowledge the truth. Take some quiet time to dive courageously into the questions above. Really sit with whatever comes up; don’t push it away or judge yourself. Whatever the result, there’s no requirement to change anything. That will be your choice.

2. Make a fully conscious choice. Whatever the truth is, complete this sentence: In my career, I now choose to ___________ because ____________.

3. Empower your choice. Whatever your choice is, list three concrete actions you can take that fully support your choice.

4. Build in happiness. Whether it comes from your career choice or is supplemental to it, do at least one thing every day that gives you a healthy dose of happiness.

Please know that whatever insights you glean from this exercise, there are absolutely no requirements to change anything. What’s key is that you make conscious choices, which will help you be a more conscious leader all the way around. 

For more on becoming a conscious, happy, fulfilled, and love-powered leader, check out the first chapter of my book, “The Amare Wave: Uplift Your Business by Putting Love to Work,” here.

Free Master Class with Moshe & Marshall Goldsmith!

As my gift to you, I’m pleased to share a YouTube playlist with all six sessions from my Master Class with famed executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith. Join us for a lively conversation about how and why to put love to work in business. It’s totally free. Enjoy all six sessions here.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Purpose, joy, and inner peace are the only status symbols worth having.” 

—Anthon St. Maarten


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