Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

4 Amare Steps to Unleash Your Leadership Genius

Dive into Your Zone

“Don’t tell me what I’m doing; I don’t want to know!” This was how famed Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini assured his creativity would flow freely, unrestricted by preconceived notions and rational analysis. 

Paradoxically, Fellini demonstrated tremendous self-awareness in setting that boundary. He knew how he operated and established conditions to be in his “zone” and maximize the success of his creative process.  

When I coach high-powered executives, self-awareness is job #1. In my experience, increasing self-awareness is the most powerful way for leaders to improve long-term. It enables good leaders to become great leaders, aware and honest about their strengths and weaknesses. They then set conditions to bring out their best and make conscious, purpose-driven, uplifting decisions. 

  • How well do you know you?

  • Are you willing to know all of yourself?

4 Amare Steps to Unleash Your Leadership Genius

1. Know what makes you spectacular. List five things that bring out your leadership magic and five things that diminish it. It can be people, processes, places…anything really. Ask colleagues for input if you’re not sure.  

2. Set up your optimal zone. Borrow from Fellini and establish boundaries to support your most creative and inspired self. Start with one or two and do what is needed to put them in play. If you have a good assistant, invite them to help.

3. Let it flow big time. Choose a big question or project to work on for 30 minutes. Now GO! Immerse yourself in your zone, giving yourself everything that supports you and nothing that impedes you. Repeat often and for longer periods of time.  

4. Communicate what you’re up to. Let your team know what you’re doing and why. Invite them to do the same. Share your experiences. And if you get a few WTF reactions, good for you!

Great leadership demands high self-awareness. Invest in knowing yourself so that you can create the circumstances that make you extraordinary. This is the way of Amare love-powered leaders who are willing to go deep within themselves, separate the wheat from the chaff, and emerge brilliantly. 

Lead with the Best Version of You & Your Team

I work with executives and leadership teams on being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“And you?
When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”

—Rumi, 13th century Persian poet


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