Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

3 Powerful Steps For Leaders to Restart

Time to Restart!

September. In the U.S., kids are back in school, new seasons of TV shows air, and business leaders hit their stride after summer breaks. It is an opportunity to restart, even with the uncertainties of the pandemic, the economy, etc. Call it a new beginning, rebooting, pivoting, refreshing – whatever label works for you.

One key to a successful restart is letting go of the past. Learn the lessons it offered, without carrying forward any suffering. That requires both acknowledgment and forgiveness of self and others – a practice that benefits everyone.

  • Are you willing to restart something in your work now?
  • Will you do what it takes to make space for a successful restart? 

3 Steps to Restart the Amare Way

1. Focus your restart. Identify one area in your work that could use a restart – maybe it’s how you work on teams, the way you lead, or a particular habit that gets in your way. Choose one thing.

2. Restart your mindset. Notice your thoughts when you consider that focus. Do whatever it takes to get to a clean mental state, e.g. writing about it, yelling in the wind, talking with others involved. Now, imagine success in that focus area.

3. Start your restart. Identify one pivotal behavior you will change in your focus area. List what you will do instead, how you will deal with resistance, and how you will reward your progress.  Now do it!  

Be an Amare Ambassador On My New Amare Podcast!

Please share how you’re restarting and putting love to work in new ways. Contact me now about appearing on my new Amare Leadership Podcast. Your story is worth sharing!

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.”

―Desmond Tutu

Note: Happy Rosh Hashana to those celebrating the restart of the Jewish year!

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With Amare,


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